National Identifiers
As part of the account opening process, we need to record your National Identifier. If you have more than one nationality, we need to record the relevant National Identifier for each nationality. As an example, if you are a British national we require your National Insurance number.
Country | National Identifier |
Austria | No national ID is required |
Belgium | Belgian National Number (Numéro de registre national – Rijksregisternummer) |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Personal Number |
Croatia | Personal Identification Number (OIB – Osobni identifikacijski broj) |
Cyprus | National Passport Number |
Czech Republic | National identification number (Rodné èíslo) If you do not have a National Identification number use the following: Passport Number |
Denmark | Personal identity code 10 digits alphanumerical: DDMMYYXXXX |
Estonia | Estonian Personal Identification Code (Isikukood) |
Finland | Personal identity code |
France | No national id required |
Germany | No national ID is required |
Greece | 10 DSS digit investor share |
Hungary | No national ID required |
Iceland | National Passport Number (Kennitala) |
Ireland | No national ID required |
Italy | Fiscal code (Codice fiscale) |
Latvia | Personal code (Personas kods) |
Liechtenstein | National Passport Number If you do not have a National Passport Number use the following: National Identity Card Number |
Lithuania | Personal Code (Asmens kodas) |
Luxembourg | No national ID required |
Malta | National Identification Number If you do not have a National Identification Number use the following: National Passport Number |
Netherlands | National Passport Number If you do not have a National Passport Number use the following: National identity card number |
Norway | 11 digit personal ID (Foedselsnummer) |
Poland | If you do not have a National Identification Number use the following: Tax Number (Numer identyfikacji podatkowej) |
Portugal | Tax number (Número de Identificação Fiscal) If you do not have a Tax Number use the following: National Passport Number |
Romania | National Identification Number (Cod Numeric Personal) If you do not have a National Identification Number use the following: National Passport Number |
Slovakia | Personal number (Rodné číslo) If you do not have a Personal Number use the following: National Passport Number |
Slovenia | Personal Identification Number (EMŠO: Enotna Matična Številka Občana) |
Spain | Tax identification number (Código de identificación fiscal) |
Sweden | Personal identity number |
United Kingdom | UK National Insurance number |
All other countries | National Passport Number |